Medical Device
Market Development
New Product
Our Services
The N2VATE process is simply about ‘getting it done’ and taking your innovation to market. This is outsourced business management that combines technical and engineering know-how...
Our Work
How can N2VATE be a valuable resource for your venture? To understand better what we do and how we do it, we invite you to visit and
study our work portfolio.
who we are
Welcome to N2VATE!
You may be an entrepreneur, inventor, product designer, doctor, scientist, engineer, technician, or director of marketing or R&D in a start-up or existing company looking to bring your innovation to market. We are of like mind and greatly share your enthusiasm and passion for developing your concept to market. N2VATE is your product champion and crusader, providing arms and legs for your device or product development project- all the way to market profitability.
N2VATE is a full-service contract consultant located in Orange County in southern California, and is involved in business from San Diego to Los Angeles to San Francisco, across the United States, North America, Europe, Asia / India, and the Middle-East. Primary expertise is medical device, product, equipment; scientific instruments, diagnostic and analytical devices, packaged retail healthcare products. Special focus is on early stage / start-up companies
“Don Kloos aided the birth of the analytical technique micro x-ray fluorescence. Made possible by the development of practical x-ray optics, Veeco Instruments NY was trying to move from supplying low-end general purpose XRF instruments at ~$30k, to providing the first of the modern breed of optic-enhanced µXRF instruments. As a consultant Mr. Kloos identified the first commercial niche application, manufacturers of disk drive read/write heads. He assisted both the customers and Veeco to understand the benefits and necessary product specs. This was also critical for XOS, as the supplier of the enabling x-ray optics. The result was a strong product launch and market penetration worldwide for Veeco at a price point of $130k, providing much better margins. This led to the acquisition of the Veeco division by Thermo Scientific, the industry leader in scientific instruments.”
David Gibson
“Don Kloos initiated the development and acceptance of the analytical technique, x-ray fluorescence, into the jewelry industry in the late 80’s. He assisted instrument manufacturers, jewelry manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and refiners in understanding the usage and benefits of the XRF method for this application. This made it possible for jewelry manufacturers to carefully control the gold karat content of fine jewelry that is needed to comply with quality regulations, and made the manufacturing process more efficient. This replaced and complimented the traditional fire assay technique which is destructive and much slower. He worked with the industry over several decades and the technique has now gained widespread acceptance and use worldwide.”
Anthony Paolercio
“Don Kloos was instrumental in helping establish Aribex as a start-up in the dental market. He did the market research to help us identify the market potential, and found the data regarding number of dentists and specialists that allowed us to prepare accurate pro forma estimates for our early investors. Don established our product branding, messaging, and oversaw the creation of our website and other marketing materials. He came up with our product name, NOMAD, which has been one of our most important trademarks! Significantly, he identified the major distributors and was able to get introductions and meetings with the key decision makers that allowed us to gain access to the dental markets, both domestically and internationally. He is a pleasure to work with, and injects a sense of humor with his strong work ethic, making a significant contribution to a start-up success.”
Dr. Clark Turner
“Don Kloos is a respectable entrepreneur and business owner and manager. I have always admired his willingness to take risks and realize his goals.”
Sheldon Scott Franklin
Don has shown his ability to get the job done. He is knowledgeable about many aspects of marketing and x-ray technology. He has been successful bringing new products to the market, as well as driving sales and product branding. I recommend Don for jobs in product development, marketing and sales.
Brent J Clark
I enjoyed working with Don. He is very people oriented and makes friends easily. As the VP of Sales and Marketing he would work closely with me in gaining regulatory approvals in the various states for the NOMAD Handheld X-ray. His knowledge of x-ray and the sales process was valuable as he was instrumental in establishing the NOMAD as a viable product in the dental market.
Douglas Harding
I’ve worked with Don as a business partner and he has a great deal of expertise in marketing and business development. He is very knowledgeable from a technology standpoint and can be a great asset to an organization planning on the deployment of a new technology or device to the market.
Dave Nix
Don and I have worked together in the Metrology industry for a number of years after leaving careers dedicated to R&D in organic/inorganic labs. Don was involved with Business Development and Critical Account Management at SII Nano, Oxford, and Veeco expanding our Domestic, International market share on the West Coast, Asia, India, UK and basically wherever SEMI Metrology and Precious Metal manufacturing occured.
He was always instrumental in providing proof of concept and ROI to any venture or idea leading to a product launch.
I have worked on major client projects with Don at IBM, ReadRite, Headway, AVX-Kyocera, Nabisco, Moxtek, Government Import/Export, and many others in India, Thailand, Japan.
I recommend Don highly for New Business Development and Product Design relative to SEMI Metrology and Medical Device.
Ryan Nelson
Don Kloos was instrumental in helping establish Aribex as a start-up in the dental market. He did the market research to help us identify the market potential, and found the data regarding number of dentists and specialists that allowed us to prepare accurate pro forma estimates for our early investors. Don established our product branding, messaging, and oversaw the creation of our website and other marketing materials. He came up with our product name, NOMAD, which has been one of our most important trademarks! Significantly, he identified the major distributors and was able to get introductions and meetings with the key decision makers that allowed us to gain access to the dental markets, both domestically and internationally. He is a pleasure to work with, and injects a sense of humor with his strong work ethic, making a significant contribution to a start-up success.
Dr. Clark Turner, President, CEO, Founder of Aribex Inc.
Consulting Service
Working with N2VATE
N2VATE is an outsourced one-stop management consulting service for bringing an idea through the product lifecycle. There are number of ways to work with N2VATE:
- Fee or retainer: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or quoted by project
- Reduced fee or retainer, plus a success fee and/or sweat equity
- License model: Client licenses IP or project to N2VATE for commercialization. N2VATE uses its federation of resources as 'share providers' to buy-in and execute the commercialization process against a set of timed milestones, or it reverts back to licensor. Ideal for MD's, RN's, engineers, inventors and inexperienced, who want to keep their day jobs.
Disclaimer: This is not an offer for the sale or purchase of securities